Sunday, December 16, 2007

Market Update

Real Estate trends indicate a slowing down in the market. Property prices continue to decline. Which means that sellers MUST price their homes at current market value not values from two or more years ago. It doesn't matter what your neighbor got for their home - it doesn't matter how much money you paid for your home - it doesn't matter how much money you put into your home. What does matter is how competetive your home is in the market. Translated this means how your home is priced and what condition it is in compared to WHAT HOMES HAVE SOLD FOR.
So if you are selling your home Now is the time to Price it Right. Every month your home remains on the market your price declines. You MUST CAUSE A BUYER to want to purchase your home. Look at it this way, you will net more money by pricing your home at true market value today, than if you try to test the market. Don't shoot yourself in the foot.

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