Monday, January 21, 2008

Inspiration Room

Now you have loads of ideas always in front of you and at your fingertips. It's a great way to display your design ideas and even children's art work. My nephew J.T. recently made a colorful drawing for my birthday (last row center) and now I have the perfect place to display it!

That's What I call Inspiration!

Last week I created an inspiration room with my nephew, Cas, using tear sheets from magazines. We went through our favorite magazines and tore out ideas for decorating, crafts, recipes, etc. We ran three rows of wire across the room and secured them to the wall using cup hooks to wind the wire around. We displayed our ideas by attaching binder clips to the wire then the inspirational "tear sheet." The room is now filled with hundreds of ideas that will keep our creative juices flowing! See photo above for finished inspiration room!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Start the new year right by clearing the clutter. Remember it takes time, so don't get overwhelmed trying to do too much at once. Just like my book do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!

A good tip, enlist the help of a "clutter buddy" to be the voice of reason and keep you motivated. Make sure that this person is someone who will keep you moving forward. The goal is to get the job done so you can move on to the next project!

For more great tips and information check out my book "Cashing in on Design" -

End Table Enhancement

Here's an idea for you. I purchased this end table at Target, and wanted to jazz it up a bit. So I went to the local glass store (auto and windows) and asked them to cut a mirror to fit the top. I also had them glue it to the top, or you can do it yourself. The mirrored top adds an additional dimension to this simple table.